Friday, April 29, 2005

Buzzin' From a Caffeine High!

I've been trying to cut down on my java consumption for the last few days because I was worried about a high blood pressure reading, but that came to a crashing halt today! After having a mocha earlier, I came home and ended up drinking an entire pot of coffee with a friend of mine. Granted, that wouldn't have phased me a week ago, but after not having caffeine in my system for a few days? Let me tell ya, I am buzzing my assssss offff and it feels GREAT!

I know I will be paying for this later, but...


Blogger Martin said...

I've actually been caffeine free since last July. (I was using it to help me through some classes while I was going to work.) It's amazing how hard it can hit you when you lower your tolerance level. Any shakes or twitches?

1:09 AM  
Blogger RT said...

Shakes or twitches? Are You Kidding??? Oh wait, that's right, I use Lotus.

Seriously, the heart palpitations, migraines and sleeplessness are the worst!

2:30 AM  

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