Monday, April 18, 2005

What a Wonderful Day!

And probably the best I've had in a long time!

First news first, I bought a boat!

Well, OK, maybe not a boat boat, it's a one person kayak, and I didn't actually buy it, I sort of inherited it when my sister bought a new one, but it floats Damn it! And it's mine! Even though I have no way of getting it to the lake without help because it doesn't fit in my car... lol. I'm still excited about it!

So yesterday, after spending a few hours bike riding, my sister and I headed to the lake to try out our new kayaks, and it was a beautiful day for it. With the trees just coming into bloom and the water being so calm, it was absolutely breathtaking! About the only thing that could have made it better is if we headed back to the campsite afterwards instead of home. But, I'm still hoping for that later this week ;o)

BTW Jill, sis says I can borrow her's, so next week I'm going to make you get off your Sunday couch and go with!


Blogger Unknown said...

Haha, this post was too cute! Congrats on the boat! Enjoy!

2:08 AM  

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