Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Purpose of Blogs?

Maybe I've been misinformed, but I thought that blogs were a type of "online diary" where you get the chance to meet new people and learn different ideas and deleve into whole new personas, yet I see so many conforming to a particular subject... And sticking to it! Have I got this wrong? Are blogs merely a way of getting the word out on your favorite things and you abandon them when no one shows interest?

I know that the ones I find most interesting are the ones where people are most honest and open and don't stick to a format. People are more complex than that... Or at least, I hope they are!

I'm sorry, I don't mean to get so heavy here, I guess I'm just a bit sad that people seem to credit their entire lives to one or two things when there's so much to be shared...


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. This is a great post. And I'd have to agree. I would LIKE to think that I've jumped around. Mostly I just go with the mood. Sometime's I'm just straight in a stupid mood! Then, I've been "deep." Alot of my first posts were pretty sad and it's just changed up here and there. Some of my recent are boring, I think. I've actually stopped reading some of the "funny" blogs that I was hooked on because they're so predictable and no longer as humorous. I dunno, be brutally honest, what you've read of my blog, what do you think? BRUTALLY honest, I can take it!

7:29 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

P.S. I'm not a very original person, for the most part.

7:30 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah, you're a true born brute! Don't hurt me next time! :P

I think your blog pisses people of because you're well informed on your topics. A good person to debate with. Well, if you can handle a debate with a smart person. Some, if not most can't. So kudos to you! Also, when I read your blog, I think what you say is said with passion (on your more serious topics) and like I said, you're smart, too, so they wanna try to be smarter.

2:53 AM  
Blogger RT said...

I love Both of your blogs! And Matty's too! They're my three favorites because you keep them moving at a pretty good clip, they're well written with a lot of personality in them, and the post are not always so long! lol

It's funny, I was writing long post for a while, until I realized that even I didn't want to go back and read over them, (not that the long ones are bad, especially if you're on a tirade,) but it seems to me that mixing it up makes the over all blog a little more readable.

1:26 PM  
Blogger Matt D said...

Hey...been a little while for me RT.

Honestly, I like both types of blogs. I certainly have my sticky, poker stuff, and the occasional rant, but other blogs have their own theme.

That's how many became so successful in terms of publicity; they have their theme and they stick to it. However, those are usually politically aligned blogs. And, as you all know, I generally try to keep political opinions out of my posts. I do have my occasional rant, but usually just against that one dude I love to hate: Michael Moore.

Anyhoo, thanks for the props in your post!

5:26 AM  

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