Friday, March 25, 2005

A Question to the Masses, and Myself...

I’ve been thinking, especially here lately, about my life. I’ve always lived my life by being cautious of other people’s mistakes, but I’m beginning to wonder, what about my own mistakes? Have I been so careful not to make a mistake, that other than live and learn, I’ve just learned without living?

"Live life spiritually, live in many different directions."

I’ve done that, through many different outlets, but now I wonder if direction could have led me on a better path to success... But, we are only on this earth for a short time (and mine is probably better than halfway through,) what is more important? Life. Or success?


Blogger tikkay said...

oh so u had a revolting conscience or what? jill might be blogging at 7:30 in the morning but in ur case seems like too much caffiene forced out something which half the world thinks about; and 10 min later makes a serious effort to dumb it 6 feet under...
learning from other's mistakes is definitely a cliche' in my case been through all that others have gone through, and doesn't everyone go through love, hate, rejection, success, joy and live the remaining half of ur life the way u have already done....

7:52 AM  
Blogger RT said...

You might have hit the nail right on the head, Tikkay.

I'm afraid that I've become so comfortable and secure with where I am, that I'm afraid to take any unnecessary risk... Even if it is for my own happiness. Taking risk and doing outlandish stupid shit has always been my specialty, and I love it! I guess that's were I find my success, I do stuff that most think is crazy, and I make it work. It's what I live for!

Maybe I should shed some light on why I brought this subject up. I've been thinking recently about moving to NYC, but, to be honest, I'm afraid to make the move. I've never been afraid of big moves before, and I know that if I stay in Ohio it will kill my soul, but like I said, it's so easy and comfortable here... Am I just taking the cowards way out, or am I just being a responsible adult? Is there a happy medium?

In short, I know that this is something that I'll have to work out in my own head, but it's always nice to hear other people's opinions. I don't mean to bring anyone down (Sorry Jill! LOL). It's just one of those things I was thinking about.

12:17 AM  
Blogger RT said...

LMAO! I care! It's my life!

And what do you mean, it went over your head? Obviously you haven't had enough coffee today, because this the same stuff you and I have been talking about for the last couple of years or so...

Get with the program! :o)

1:18 AM  

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