Saturday, March 12, 2005

OK, Here's a Dilemma for ya...

How sad is this?

I was planning a trip to NYC for the end of April, but I just found out that a family vacation to Myrtle Beach is planned for the same week! I would really like to do both, and it's possible to do both, if I fly from one to the other, but... OK. Here's the thing...

I'm currently trying to loss weight for my NYC trip (God knows, if you weigh more than ten pounds, you're unattractive in NYC, and there is a guy there that I Reeeeeally want to attract!) But! This is a totally unrealistic weight in the normal world! If I'm showing off my NYC body in MB, I'm afraid it'll just gross out any guy I might normally be able to attract!

What the hell do I do??? Be a toothpick for NYC guy? Or be "plump" (har har) for whatever (totally cool) guy I may meet in MB??? Or just cancel one of the vacations???


Blogger nevermore said...

After you're done killing Jill just think about which you think is more important ... then again I'm of the phylosophy that people who feel good tend to look better so perhaps you should go with what would make you feel best (unless that's to sit in the couch and eat chocolate all day, in that case you need to listen to what everyone else thinks is best)

6:33 AM  
Blogger RT said...

LOL! Oddly enough, I'm not really one for chocolate, ,or any other kind of sweets for that matter. Of course, I still have the occassional craving when it's available, but for the most part...

Anyway! Jill! Why on earth would I want to kill you? I think it's pretty much common knowledge that here lately, I can only get laid in NY (or outside the Middletown City Limits), lol.

How weird is that??? It's like (and this is to you too, Nevermore) the better I feel about myself, the more the men of Middletown want to make me feel like shit! When I leave town (even if it's just to go to Cleveland) I feel so free to have fun and flirt, and just be my happy self. I do that around here, and I might as well have a "whore" sign tied around my neck. I know this may sound a bit cryptic (I'm feeling a bit cryptic right now,) but since when does "Hi" translate to "I want to sleep with you." Urrrgh!

As for the extra poundage, I think I do need to loose a little. I'm used to being a certain weight and I have been packing on the pounds for the last few weeks. It's very uncomfortable.

12:28 AM  
Blogger RT said...

LMAO! Hiya Mr Coffee ;o) How goes it in the great Cleveland?

FYI, that wasn't a bra, it was a tank top! But the outfit did raise an eyebrow or two *chuckle chuckle*. Problem is, it's a part of my signature slut wear, and I'm afraid that if I wear it again, it will be too obvious.

I can't believe you're not going to NY with us! It would be so cool if you changed your mind and went. You know, we'll probably be going to LI the following night, and you KNOW who lives in LI! (Yeah, me either, but I didn't know how else to end that sentence...) Anyway! I know it'll be a lot of fun no matter who lives there! You should reconsider!

12:49 AM  

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