So, I was talking with a couple of friends the other day about Oprah, and I think they were getting pretty upset with me because I don’t hold her in the same high regard as they do. It’s not that I think there is anything bad about Oprah -I couldn’t say, because I really don’t know her all that well- it’s just that I don’t talk about how great she is.
Since that talk I've been thinking about what they said (and no, I still haven’t watched her show... Sorry guys.) I've been thinking about why they would be so upset. I can understand admiration, and wanting to sing someone’s praises, but what is it about Oprah that makes her so special? From what I can tell, she’s simply a woman who practices what she preaches. Is there something great about that?
Well. Yeah. There is.
Isn’t that sad?
Have we become so used to being manipulated, that we feel the need to put any honest person we see in the media on a pedestal? And if that’s true, why don’t we put the honest people we know and love on that same pedestal? (Present company excluded, of course. I love the way you guys talk about your spouses, and parents, and the other people in your lives.) Is it because they’re close enough to us that we can see the flaws in their shining armor? Whereas, the people on the TV screen are flawless until we’re told different? And easily disposed of if that’s the case?
Questions. Questions. Why does this bother me so much?
Since that talk I've been thinking about what they said (and no, I still haven’t watched her show... Sorry guys.) I've been thinking about why they would be so upset. I can understand admiration, and wanting to sing someone’s praises, but what is it about Oprah that makes her so special? From what I can tell, she’s simply a woman who practices what she preaches. Is there something great about that?
Well. Yeah. There is.
Isn’t that sad?
Have we become so used to being manipulated, that we feel the need to put any honest person we see in the media on a pedestal? And if that’s true, why don’t we put the honest people we know and love on that same pedestal? (Present company excluded, of course. I love the way you guys talk about your spouses, and parents, and the other people in your lives.) Is it because they’re close enough to us that we can see the flaws in their shining armor? Whereas, the people on the TV screen are flawless until we’re told different? And easily disposed of if that’s the case?
Questions. Questions. Why does this bother me so much?
I am not part of the Oprah fan club. I can take her or leave her... I know so many people who spout off about Dr. Phil and Oprah and can't get enough of them. I guess I just don't watch enough tv to really understand the craze.
I have nothing against Oprah, yet it bothers me that some people seem to be Ophrah Followers...not fans, but actually followers.
They've made her above everyone else. That scares me. No one on earth should be treated that way or should want to be treated like that - what a responsibility! I heard something really negative about her once, something she did while in France, and I thought "so what, she's human, maybe she had PMS that day maybe it's not even true, but everyone has a bad mood and some negative traits so what's the big deal?"
My point is that her power of persuasion makes me nervous. If she says "read this book" it becomes a bestseller. What will happen if she turns into some whacko (I doubt she will) will all her followers turn into wackos too?
I admire the heck out of her for getting where she is today. Not just proffesionally, but coming to terms with her weight. I think she looks better now than she ever has - that's a positive role model. But I don't think she's right about everything.
I agree with your main point--it is sad that someone who is (appears to be?) honest and unhypocritical stands out as unusual.
-- david
People are hungry for heroes, in a world where most people we hear about in the media are ruthless evil-doers.
In that need, people have a tendancy to idealize others...such is the case of Oprah.
In reality, Oprah is very human. She was a victim of incestual sexual abuse. She has weight issues. I've heard that she's very bitchy with her staff at times.
On the other hand, she donated more than $10 million for the various Hurricane relief funds - her own money, not including that foundation she has, Angel Network I think it's called.
People are eager to follow, and they latch onto anyone that seems worthy.
Never seen the Oprah show. Probably never will, either. I'm the wrong demographic.
Who really knows how honest she is? I guess I'm agreeing with your theory. We're putting what we think we know on a pedestal, not what we actually know.
She may turn out to be the angel that she portrays. Then again, I'm more willing to take a book recommendation from my family or you guys than Oprah. (Really, does she even read the books?)
I agree with Phoenix - I do admire what Oprah has risen above, but I do think we are too ready to follow as a society. I have watched her show, but I don't understand what the big deal is.
Fred, I'm sure she has a staff of 10 who read all the books for her.
its not that Oprah is on a pedestal, its that Oprah is genuine and real. We see her flaws, She is great because of what she does. How she tries to help. She does things from donating her money to putting sex affenders behind bars. No one was upset with you for your comments. the joy of having friends as long as we have is that you have the freedom to express your self freely without pissing off the other person. (And if they do get pissed off, thats okay because they are true genuine friends who have seen you at your worst and your best and are there for the long haul and would never wealk away because they love you for your opinions!!!!!!)
As for ordinary people, dont we put them on a pedestal also? isnt that what respect and holding someone is high regards is? when you know someone who is a truly awsome person , you mother for instance, isnt your respect for her greater than that of others? dont you put your mother on a pedestal? have you never sung her praises for what she has done for you and the rest of your siblings? isnt that the same thing people do when they admire someone?
I dont think Oprah is god, i just repsect her and what she does. I am sure she can be a bitch at times, I know there are times when i can be a Huge Dick, and i have seen you be a bitch before (he says smiling), my point is shes human and she uses her power for good.
maybe, i dont realy know, ive never met her but what would she need the ratings for? more money? she has more money than even she can spend.
Well Johnny, how do you know if she's genuine and real? Have you ever sat down and talked to her? Have you even met her? How do you know that's not just her public persona? (I mean, she was coached by Dr Phil, who now has his own following.) And even if she is as genuine and real as we're suppose to believe she is, does that make everything she says and does right?
-Sorry, I wrote that before Linny summed it up so well, lol. But I didn't want to leave it out.-
This isn't just about Oprah, it's just that the conversation we had really brought home how big this whole star worship thing is. (Not that I'm saying that you guys worship her, but a lot of people sure seem to.)
Yes, she's done good things, but it was like I was saying before about it being on scale. A lot of people do good things for others, but they don't get recognized for it like she does. I keep thinking of the family that took in a couple that was left homeless by Katrina, then they started taking in the couple's family. By the time the story hit the news, and it was a small story at that, they had taken some 20 people into their small home. Taking care of them physically, as well as mentally. It was hard on them, but they did it. That story touched me more than I could ever express, and goes to show the compassion that we're capable of. I still don't know quite how to explain it, but, it's the public who put her where she is, so she gives back to the public. It's only admirable because it's so unusual, and that still doesn't seem right to me.
I think WW pegged it best for me. It's the persuasion that these stars have over some people. It's almost like a cult. And it's not always based on the person, but the persona. If you don't believe it, go over to IMDB and leave a negative comment about one of the stars, you get jumped big time! Why is that? Because they're protecting someone they think they know?
It wouldn't be all that bad, but when they start insulting the people they do know while taking up for that star, it's does get a bit scary. And when you get a gang of people doing that, that's when it starts feeling like a cult instead of just admiration.
It's not just money, it's power.
Brad Pitt, uh huh. He's another one.
You can't just passively enjoy an entertainer anymore, you either have to be a huge supporter or you get them shoved down your throat until you just can't stand them. And it's not the actors that are demanding you make that choice, it's the fans.
I'm not a big Oprah fan, but she certainly has qualities that make her very influential. Wish I had a few of them.
Good thing you said Goodbye, I hate flushing the toilet when someone's on the phone :D
OK fine. You checked up on the Mother Teresa thing,
so I guess I'll watch some Oprah...
BTW, I forgot to ask, did you look that up on the internet, or did you talk to someone about it? References would be good, because most people think I'm an ass for talking bad about her. Know what I mean? :o)
I'm not a big Oprah fan. Sure, I think it was great that people were given cars on her show (notice that I didn't say that she gave them cars... it seems people think she paid for them and not the company as a publicity move.) I also think that her social experiment of putting a bunch of homeless people in a house to take showers and clean themselves up so they could apply for a job (ok, only one used it to get a job out of a crapload of people but it shows that many people want to be where they are) was a good learning tool. But otherwise, not really impressed. She promotes some horrible books, gave Dr. Phil the idea that he's a relationship guru and has a beef with the meat industry (carne asada, yum.)
I do know what you mean:) I spoke to several people about it. They supported your argument as well. I guess I just did not have all the facts on Mother Teresa. now i know more about the old bag.
I would say that Oprah is about as genuine as the TV preachers that ask you for money when you go to them for advice or prayer.
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