Saturday, November 26, 2005

Saving the World?

OK. Let’s get to it. What do you guys think? We’ve been lead by men every since time began... How do you think it would change if women ruled the world?

Let’s get some serious discussion going here.


Blogger Fred said...

Things would change big time in the planning and execution area.

Let’s look at the way men and women approach how to assemble something. Women read the instructions, plan, organize, and THEN assemble. Men skip steps 1-3, and just assemble. Then, we use brute force to shove the thing together.

I’ve seen the above in the corporate world. I firmly believe that women come up with better solutions to problems after they have a chance to examine all the issues. However, the male-dominated meetings usually demand an answer DURING the meeting, so it’s done “on the fly.” Result? Not optimum.

So, my theory is that having a female president would delay the solutions, but the eventual answer would be more deliberate and most likely better.

10:40 AM  
Blogger Martin said...

Fred was really concise there and I firmly agree that a woman would take the time to work out a better solution. I do think that the ability to communicate, delegate and mediate are also of extreme importance for the top office. I don't see gender as being an obstacle in getting the job.

1:33 PM  
Blogger Evil Sandmich said...

I would think that only a serious proposal would warrant a serious discussion. :)

Anyway, there have been women leaders in the past and their behavior was not much different than their male counterparts. Why is this? Because a certain skill set is needed to attain a leadership position, male or female. A comparison can be found in pro-basketball where butchy men and women excel in the endeavor.

Politics is a tough sport where hard decisions must be made and a thick skin brought to the table - wussy men and women need not apply.

(Usually this topic is brought up by uninformed men. Women who have had the privilege of working under other women usually carry no such delusion.)

12:12 PM  
Blogger RT said...

OK... Now that you've given us your typical macho male opinion, ES, how about answering the question. :p

I'm not talking about one or two women, (of course if there's only a few, they would have to be a little more 'butchy' just to be allowed in to a male dominated arena, so you can't really use them as an example) I'm talking about 50 percent or more women in leadership roles all over the world. It would change the whole dynamics of how politics work... Or would it?

While I like how Fred said that, lol, I'm not sure I totally agree. A female president may not be any better (not that I think we would be any worse,) but it would be nice to have a choice, and to feel fairly represented.

If you think about it, we cut our chances of finding a good leader in half by not supporting female candidates at all levels of govt.

9:38 PM  
Blogger Teri said...

I think there would be quite a few changes for the better. I think we would find more peaceful resolutions to global problems.

I watched a show on the Discovery Channel about how male and females brains differ, it was really interesting. It is something I would love to do more research on.

11:18 PM  
Blogger Evil Sandmich said...

The answer is no, it wouldn't matter a lick. Social constructs are too complicated to be papered over by some sort gender zelotry. As well, in imagining the benefitial trade offs such a setup might present, one must also look at the downsides (ex. it could well be argued (not by me of course) that women entering politics started the slide toward socialism since the idea of social programs became divorced from their impact on society and their cost to the country).

Anyway, these imaginary peaceful resolutions are available to us right now, at this moment. Why have the good ladies of planet earth not bothered to share them with us? :P

11:01 AM  
Blogger Fred said...

I'm with Vavoom and R.T., a choice would be dandy and much welcomed. However, if that choice were Hillary, I'd also vote no.

3:34 PM  
Blogger Martin said...

Then again, to say that women in general would be more forgiving and understanding while in a major office, I also hold one phrase in reserve... cat fights.

6:41 PM  
Blogger Fred said...

Disagree Linny. Not the end of the story. I guess we'll have to wait, but let's take the position of Mayor in Tampa. HUGE difference from all the men who have had the position in the past. She's essentially dismantled the old-boy network, and has made many other changes a male might be hesitant to do. Why? Because HE would fit right in.

It's a GOOD change, mind you, but I think you're not not giving it enough thought.

Let's elect a female president and find out...

4:22 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hmmmm let me get this straight - male leaders... too much testosterone -- female leaders... too emotional ... Do I want someone as a leader who is agressive and looking for a fight or someone as a leader who is more rational but will hold a grudge...

7:56 PM  
Blogger RT said...

LoL DDG, I was thinking that myself... But something else to think about, do you want someone who will tell you what you want to hear just to get you out of their face so they can watch the game, or someone who actually wants to talk about stuff? ;o)

I'm worried that ES might fall into that first category, 'cause I've seen billions of ideas on the internet about how to make this country better, but I don't think he's seen any of them... Unless they've just went in one eyeball and out the other, lol.

"Anyway, these imaginary peaceful resolutions are available to us right now, at this moment. Why have the good ladies of planet earth not bothered to share them with us? :P"

Ya gotta be kidding me!

9:41 PM  
Blogger RT said...

A'right Linny, if you're not going to elaborate on your own, I have to ask... What makes you so sure that there would be no change?

12:45 AM  
Blogger David Amulet said...

You sound like the Queen of the Damned from the Anne Rice novels. Her efforts to have a world ruled by women didn't turn out too well ...

-- david

6:03 AM  
Blogger Fred said...

How about we just agree to disagee. :)

3:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Somebody save MY world!

12:05 AM  
Blogger Mike Leslie said...

Wellllll...Margaret Thatcher did pretty well in England if I remember correctly but the US is quite a bit different than England. If Hilary became president again (she was during Bill's tenure) i would have to find another planet to live on while she was in office. I think it is entirely possible to have a female as president but i doubt it would be much different. There are way to many factors and processes that go into the mess that is our government for it to be so dramatically different.

2:34 AM  
Blogger Bar L. said...

I am all for having a female President or any other position...IF, and only if, she is QUALIFIED and not elected simply because she is a female. That would be typical of the U.S. though.

9:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, if i am correct your question was how would the world be different if woman ruled? Could we save the world?
That would depend entirely on who these woman are. If it were Oprah, Princess Diana, Mother Theresa I would have to say yes the world could be saved. other than Oprah, the rest are dead. Who do we have left? Hilary Clinton, Condaleza Rice? (Both very powerful black) woman who have accomplished alot in thier life time. Who are the great woman from other nations taking a stand at changing the world? I watch the news and I read the paper, I am an educated man but I dont hear of them.
I do believe woman have the ability to rule great countries and I believe it is time to see if a woman could do a better job than a man. lets face it they could do no worse with our country than Bush has done.
but the question here is how do I think the world would change if woman ruled it? Going to war would be a completely different idea. Men want to go to war. woamn do not want thier children going to war. there would probably be alot more freedom in the world. I believe gays would have a right to marry, because most woman love gay men. but on a serious note, our economy would probably get better. who manages the finances at home anyways? Woman our mothers did it for our families, our wives do it for us, and they are usualy good at it. I think the world would be a much better place. Woman, generaly have better morals, are by nature nurishers, they encourage us to be good people. for the most part woman are honest and do not shoot from the hip. at least the woman I know. most woman are willing to talk about a problem instead of fighting. I am sure there are many many ways the world would change if woman ruled most if not all of it.

1:30 AM  
Blogger RT said...

Is that my Johnny? :o)

You make a good a point. Women have been running their homes for quite some time, while the men have been out working. Isn't the world just a bigger home? Wouldn't it be nice to think that our govt could run like a well oiled machine, quietly and effectively protecting us in the background while we go out and make the best of ourselves?


7:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes it is your Johnny.

Wouldnt it be a better place? Think about this, who told us to share always? our mothers did, who tought us to play fair? our mothers did, who taught us to turn the other cheek? our mothers. so my point is, there would probably be less hunger in the world for we would share all of our resources, war would be done away with and all would have a fair chance in life! hope you are doing well Liv, I love you and I miss you.

12:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oprah, please.

2:43 PM  
Blogger RT said...

'Oly Shit, Lil! You and Johnny both in the same week??? How do I rate... Uh huh. Must have done something right in the past week that I don't know about ;o)

BTW, I just got Johnny's letter, and I can't believe he had YOU help him pick out furniture! I can just imagine what his new place looks like now, lol.

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Well, realy there is only one true way to find out. Come and see for yourself! This , my long time friend, is an open invitation to you any time you want to use it.

10:22 PM  
Blogger RT said...

Mmm... Stay with you / stay at the Sahara, stay with you / stay at the Sahara.... Yep, you make me an offer I can't refuse :D

Hey, just out of curiosity, do you have an empty picture frame on the wall? LoL, that was classic, even though I made fun of it.

Oh! And did either of you ever learn to cook even halfway decently? My new boss taught me a few tricks in the kitchen that I'll have to try out on ya.

12:07 AM  
Blogger nevermore said...

Hey, I'm still alive and this looks like an interesting topic :P

I don't think it'd be possible for women to rule the world as they are way more concerned with reproducing then they are with surviving. Men can be fierce or as far as bad at certain times but women have a far greater evil within them. Wars would be waged over ego, hairstyle and whatnot.

No, I'm not trying to act all macho and yes I am exagerrating but I'm not of the opinion that all are created equal. In prehistoric times men were all that stood between the children and the hungry mamoth (or were they herbivores?). Genes don't change much over the course of 10.000 years.

Of course I predict something to the effect of 'without men to rule the world there would be no war' but really if you've ever seen what a woman who is jealous is capable of I doubt you'd pay that thought any second mind.

As I read what I've just written I come to the conclusion that I just repeated the same thing over and over in different wording so summing up is easy ... use the tools you've been given.

(btw don't bother pointing out that there are exceptions, I was talking in general, a single pink wolf doesn't make 'wolves' pink though in french a single man in a pack of 10 million woman makes the difference between the group being labeled 'female' or 'male')

1:13 PM  

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