Monday, October 04, 2004

It's Got to be in the water!

Well, I just finished that last post and it was a lot of fun, but now I’m sitting here bored. I’m trying to think of all the questions I would ask if I thought I’d ever get an answer to, and the one that keeps coming to mind is why the people of my community have such a problem with dental hygiene.

I live in a small city and for some reason, most of the people here have really bad teeth. For my small circle of friends, this has become somewhat of a fascination and we discuss it often. What, other than not brushing, can cause your teeth to rot so early (and we’re talking early 20s in some cases) in life? Curiosity got the better of me once and I actually went through the trouble of doing a little research on the matter. What I found out is that this particular area has large amounts of fluoride in the water supply.

Now, I have heard that too much fluoride may cause some tooth decay, and I’ve also heard that too much fluoride can cause brain dysfunction. So what my friends and I are trying to determine is: Is it the fluoride that's causing our teeth to go bad, or is the fluoride causing our brains to go bad, and we're just getting too stupid to brush?

Considering the content of this post, I’m betting on the latter!

Related information can be found at:

Quick Question:
Is it a sin to be attracted to an actor when he's playing the role of a priest?

Quote of the Day:
Change your thoughts and you change your world. -Norman Vincent Peale

Song for Thought:
Procol Harums "The Idol"


Blogger RT said...

I know YOU brush! I just told you, (like 10 minutes ago! do I have to worry about your brain functions now???) that you are one of the three, maybe four, people I know of in this town that actually have very nice teeth!

Abd I'm convinced that it's because we don't drink the water!

Timothy Dalton! That's the guys name that plays the priest. I usually don't find him particularly handsome, but some reason, when I see him in black... M M M M M M Mmmm. I'm actually taping Loonie Toons right now because I noticed that he was in it and I'm hoping he's in black :o)

As for Samantha, OMG she's going to hell anyway, lol. I don't think that her trying to seduce a priest is going to influence that one way or another.

And I don't know if the role playing thing is a sin or not. If you're not raised Catholic, do you still have to abide by their rules?

Guess I'll know soon, if we spontaneously combust.

11:30 AM  

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