Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Before the Newness Wears Off...

I just have to say, I LOVE my new .mp3 ("RCA Lyra" a cheap ipod knockoff) player! It isn't much, 128 mg with a SD slot (which I think is invaluable,) for only $50! The thing has already saved me the price of a new car stereo and any new CD players. Plus! I don't have to bug the drivers or people around me! My music is my own, unless I lose myself and start singing out loud...

I don't mean to sound like a commercial, but it's probably one of the best buys I've ever made... (Forgive me for that whole cell phone fiasco! I don't know what I was thinking, I don't even like phones!)

I just hope it doesn't wear out before I get my 50 bucks worth. :o)


Blogger Martin said...

I'm just waiting for an MP3 player that will fit all my CDs. When you have well over a thousand... you don't want to change the songs out too much.

8:22 PM  
Blogger RT said...

You might just get that, Martin. I think the guy at the store said that the new ipods hold 60 gbs. That's a lot of frickin' music!

Personally, I couldn't justify the cost of them. I'm not even motivated enough to put all my cds on the computer, lol. I'm sure as hell not going to spend the time required to put them on an ipod, even if I only have to do it once.

8:52 PM  
Blogger RT said...

Oh Chrissie, I do not envy that train ride. I just hope your ipod makes it more bearable :o)

Have a safe trip!

8:07 PM  

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