Wednesday, October 06, 2004


Where do we get our information and how much stock do we place in our sources?

Most of the information we get is readily available in books, on the internet, in newspapers, and from the people we know (not to mention any stranger you meet on the street). But which are we to believe? These days, just about anyone can write a book, and who's to say they're telling you the truth and not misleading you to sale you on their own opinion. As far as the newspapers and media are concerned, who's to say they don't have their own agenda going on, as well? I mean, if there's nothing to report, they're out of a job. It's their mission to make mountains out of molehills just for the sake of survival. Which is fine, as long as you don't put to much stock in it. Then there's the people we know. Now this one is a tough call, considering the fact that if we even bother to ask, we’re usually going to have to listen. The thing is, where are they getting their information? You might like to think that they get their info from reliable resources, but a lot don't. That's where a lot of rumors get started.


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