Thursday, March 09, 2006

So OK, This Cooking Thing...

May not be so bad after all.

Between Jill teaching me how to make scrambled eggs, and the people I’m with now teaching me how to do all kinds of dinner foods, I think I may actually be getting good at this. Or at least, their encouragement is helping to build my confidence. And I'm starting to enjoy it. Granted, it’s still not something I would want to do every day, but it’s kinda fun to mess around in the kitchen every now and then.

Last night I made chicken satay with peanut sauce for the fam, and I screwed it up royally. But the cool thing is, they’ve never had it before, so they didn’t know it was screwed up. They thought it was great and gobbled it right up. Even my Uncle, who hates chicken, had a second serving!

I still haven’t tried to make chili again (after that fiasco the last time,) but give me time.

PS: The relationship is over, which kinda sucks because I finally got my Depo shot, but really, I knew it was doomed from that third date anyway. Oh well. Next!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Next is right. Men are Like busses, if you stand around long enough, another one is gonna come around.

11:07 AM  
Blogger RT said...

LoL! That's true.

BTW, that dinner is why I didn't call you back yesterday, hope you understand :o)...

But it's pretty cool, huh? I can cook!

11:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I figured you had been tied up (and not in a good way either lol) Thats great cause you can cook when you come out here!! hehe

Remember Liv, Theres someone for everyone you just have to make a list of what qualities you want in a man and put it out to the universe.

Gotta go shower for work. love you

11:49 AM  
Blogger Martin said...

Glad to see you are giving cooking a chance. It's a great thing sometimes (crockpots are very cool and harder to burn things in.) I wish that I had more time to cook but I can keep collecting recipies until I'm ready. Hmmm, depro shot... sounds like you shouldn't let it go to waste. hahaha B)

3:43 PM  
Blogger Bar L. said...

I don't know if this comment will go through so I'll make it short...good for you about the cooking - I never learned how.

Super good for you about realizing that the relationship was a dead end early on.

Each guy will get better and then you end up with the best :) Think about it.

4:10 PM  
Blogger Mike Leslie said...

cooking is a good thing. SOmething that a couple can do together. Sorry to hear about the breakup but with some of the issues there ya kinda need to be on the same page otherwise life would be freakin torture.

8:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Big gathering for the O'2L show in Cleveland this friday night. Jen, Melinda, the Twins, myself, and others from Canada to Florida, will be there. You should come?


11:05 AM  
Blogger David Amulet said...

Sorry about the break-up, but it sounds like it's for the best. As for the cooking, I'm jealous. And maybe I'll ask for a meal one of these days, just to give you a chance to practice.

Welcome back!

-- david

2:51 PM  
Blogger LoraLoo said...

I love to cook, just don't have time to do a lot of it. Marrying someone who could eat a frozen pizza every night and not think a thing of it doesn't make for motivation, either. :)

Sorry to hear about the relationship, but I guess it was for the best. There's someone more compatible out there. Hell there's probably a million of them.

4:28 PM  
Blogger Jay Noel said...

Good try with the chicken in peanut sauce. The closest I could come to that is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

As far as men are concerning - remember that the one thing men really look for in a woman is:


11:21 AM  
Blogger RT said...

Hmmm... Willingness to do what, exactly? And how much of that is just a test to see how far we will compromise ourselves? And once we do, if we do, how far is it from 'willingness' to becoming a doormat with no respect at all?

Ya know, I hear all the time how men are suppose to be so 'logical', but if you ask me, they're ten times worse than what they claim women to be when it comes to relationships. If they would just ask for what they want, and quit playing these stupid games... We'd all be a lot happier.

But then, telling someone that you could care less about what they think or how they fell, they just want you around to make them look good, doesn't really work for most people... Unless you're wealthy and willing to pay for that.

OMG! Is that it? Is it just a matter of stroking the male ego? 'Cause they can't handle a chick that may have a brain of her own??? A friend of mine use to tell me such a thing, but I always wrote her off as being too easy...

Fuck me. Maybe she was right after all.

Willingness is a trade off, not an absolute.

1:35 AM  
Blogger RT said...

PS: !!! I figured out how to do the sauce right! You just have to heat it and add the coconut milk slowly.

1:39 AM  
Blogger Matt D said...

One of the biggest things I learned is to be picky. If you let too much slide, you're just setting yourself up for hard times down the road by forcing yourself into the relationship. Remember the ex? Yeah, I liked her and all, but it was hell in the end.

As for cooking, there are a lot of Italian recipes out there that are almost fool-proof. I hate to brag, but I use them and wow a lot of people fairly consistently.

I can send my favorite recipe (SUPER EASY) if you want. :)

12:55 AM  
Blogger RT said...

Send that recipe on, please! Most Italian recipes are pretty easy, s'getti sauce is one of the first things I learned to make on my own (got the recipe out of a novel I was reading, lol).

As far as relationships go... I've come to the realization that as long as I stay in this part of Ohio, I will always be alone. There's not a single (as in not married) man here that's not prejudice, (they're either racist or chauvinist,) and that's something I can not tolerate.

BUT! On the brighter side of the situation, I enjoy knowing that I'm making my Mother's life better, and I'm having a blast playing around with my hobbies...

There's always a trade-off.

3:55 AM  
Blogger New White Keds said...

The guy thing, thought is sounds cliche, will work itself out. But good for you ofr not wasting time.

As for the cooking, you had it right in the first post here -- meessing around in the kitchen. Cooking is about enjoyment and freedome. Play with your food, so to speak, and you will be amazed at what you can accomplish.

10:29 AM  

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