Well the Fourth is over and I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! I know I did. I got to spend some quality time with friends and family, and even made some new friends, which is pretty cool.
But that aside, while celebrating The Fourth I started thinking about our freedom and how we came to be where we are. Over two hundred years ago, our people came to this land hoping for something better and whenever someone tried to stand in the way of our newfound freedom, we fought to the death to protect it. So why are we so willing to give it up now?
Some would argue -in the light of 9/11 and other tragedies- that losing a few freedoms is worth the extra feeling of security, but is it? And did it really start with 9/11?
I think the mindset started with our knowledge of the Civil War. While it was necessary at the time, people look back on that and think of how hard it would be to fight against fellow Americans again. Then you have Vietnam, a totally bogus war that changed the way we look at war altogether. It makes us skeptical as to whether any type of uprising would be the best course of action.
And then there’s the bits and pieces that we’ve seen recently: Oklahoma, which sufficiently drove the malitia back underground; Columbine, which made us feel the need for stricter gun control; 9/11, which made us feel that it’s OK to give up our privacy (that along with companies like Nexus Lexus that have been keeping tabs on everything we do for "advertising" reasons, not to mention the IRS keeping tabs.) And those are just a few, all combined to make us doubt whether our previous freedoms are worth it, and discourage us from fighting for them.
But when do we say enough is enough? We want our freedoms back!
how do we say it? And how do we decide on what freedoms we want, when so many think that their own issues are more important than others? I made a statement before about how the govt has us fighting so much amongst ourselves, that we don’t even know what’s right and what’s important anymore. How do we decide on what’s worth dying for when we have so many issues and so many different viewpoints on those issues?
Our Constitution pointed out some pretty important features of freedom, but what happens when it becomes nothing more than an historic document that can be changed at will? Have we become so self absorbed with the little things that we’ve totally missed the big picture? Our freedoms have been systematically taken away from us, and we just sit back and finds ways to justify it.
Is that to be our future?
Questions, questions, questions! For which I have no answers. But I do feel the need to find some before the situation gets totally out of hand (if it hasn’t already.) I know I'm not the only one who’s afraid of what has been happening in our country, but how do we change it when another civil war is seemingly out of the question and protesting no longer guarantees results?